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- Written by Before
- Published: 17 October 2018
- Hits: 2049
On July the 27, 2018 has been held a tasting day on the mono-varietal oils belonging to the Olive Collection of the EEA San Juan - INTA, which is located in the Campo Anexo San Martin (Argentina). The conference has been held at the Institute for Research and Technological Development for Agriculture of the Cuyo region (INTA IPAF CUYO), in the department of San Martin (Argentina).
Dr. Mariela Torres presented the INTA collection, its story and activities of characterization of crops from an agricultural, biochemical, industrial and molecular point of view. The activity presented is the result of several years of research and investments in collaboration with national and international institutes.
Dr. Pierluigi Pierantozzi presented the expansion plan of the collection and the tests that will be carried out. The aim will be to evaluate the adaptation of new cultivars to mechanized harvesting, as well as the capacity for resilience to change.
Eng. Juan Pablo Catellano presented the technical conference between INTA and the Trilogia company, whose main objective is the assessment of mono-varietal olive oils from an industrial point of view.
For the occasion, Prof. Daniela Farinelli (University of Perugia), responsible for the collection of Olivoat UNIPG and in secondment at INTA within the BeFore Project, explained the importance of the Agrarian databases of Perugia, whose main objective is to evaluate resistance to cold.
Finally, Ing. Elina Buffa coordinated the tasting of 5 mono-varietal oils from the collection belonging to the 2017/2018 campaign. The cultivars have been declared: Maurino, Ascolana Tenera 1 (Harvest in May), Ascolana Tenera 2 (Harvest in April), a pre-selection INTA and Leccio del Corno.
Industrialists and professionals from the olive sector attended the day.
This project has received funding from the European Union's.
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 645595.