- Details
- Written by Before
- Published: 17 January 2017
- Hits: 2982
Dr. Claudio Ranocchia, within the WP3, has performed the following activities at the NCARE – Amman, Jordan from October the 18th to December the 16th:
- Exchanging phenotypic and characteristic information of varieties selected in the Before Project
- Sampling of fruits, leaves and shoots of selected 12 autochthonous cultivars at Al-Mushaquar Research Station
- Preparing fruit samples for oil content, oil composition analysis
- Preparing fruits, leaves, shoots and seeds for imaging
- Performing imaging of fruits, leaves, shoots and seed
- Oil content analysis by Soxhlet solvent extraction
- Fatty acid profile by gas chromatograph
- Preparing fruits for polyphenols analysis in dimethyl sulfonide to do in CNR.
- Presentation about ”OLIVE CULTIVARS CHARACTERIZATION” to the NCARE technical staff in date December the 14th.
Moreover the 14 of December 2016 Dr. Ranocchia performed a seminar attended by NCARE researchers titled "Characterization of olive cultivars". Dr. Claudio present his work conducted at NCARE during his visit from 18 Oct to 16 Dec 2016.
This project has received funding from the European Union's.
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 645595.