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- Written by Super User
- Published: 13 May 2013
- Hits: 3962

Any dissemination of results reflects only the author's view and the REA is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Communication, Dissemination
Description of Work
For “BeFOre” Consortium dissemination and publication of results are viewed as core part of the activities. Public-oriented dissemination of research cannot be separated from communication to the research community by scientific publications and to the sector stakeholders, by other communication strategies.
The Dissemination activities will be led by ISAFOM but will require the strict participation of all Beneficiaries and Partners. A particular attention will be paid to the dissemination activities to be developed in Morocco.
Task 5.1 Awareness and dissemination plan. An awareness and dissemination plan will be elaborated at the beginning of the project (month 6) and will be updated and deployed along the project life and beyond.
The different versions of the Dissemination Plan will include the activities that have actually been developed in the project in the previous plan and those foreseen for the next period. The Dissemination Plan will contain the following elements:
1) Identification and classification of target stakeholders to be addressed.
2) The dissemination methods and their specific associated activities.
3) Schedule and complementarily of the dissemination activities among partners.
4) The conditions to ensure proper dissemination of the generated knowledge.
As was previously commented, the identification and communication with stakeholders is of main importance. The first Awareness and Dissemination Plan will include a list of stakeholders and the plan to address those, a close contact must be established, offering information in different formats in order to ensure it adequacy to the needs of each group of interest. This kind of contact will start early in the life of the project.
Task5.2 Project website “BeFOre” project will have its own web page, developed and maintained by ISAFOM. It will be used for the internal communication, and it will also form the basis for the administrative and the external communication. A book reporting the main results will be published on the web site of the project;
Internal information will be restricted to partners, which have different rights for viewing parts of the information structure. The web site will also be used as a basic tool for external communications. In the public area we will develop a communication strategy towards the general public and selected target group. Here we will collect all material, which should be publicly accessible (presentations, papers, information material, posters, etc).
Deliverables & Milestones
D.5.1. Awareness and Dissemination Plan: The first version of the plan will be released on M6, but it will be updated during the life of the project and beyond. It will include identification of stakeholders and plan to address those who are concerned, plans for the dissemination of the different activities and conditions for dissemination according to confidentiality (M6).
D 5.2. Public website: The first version of the public website will be functioning by M3, but it will continuously be updated with the public results of the project, and with information directed to the different expected audiences.
Appropriate formats will be sought in order to make information useful and accessible (M3).
This project has received funding from the European Union's.
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 645595.