- Details
- Written by Super User
- Published: 02 July 2015
- Hits: 3989
Use of cookies
With the current page, written on virtue of articles 13 and 122 of the Legislative Decree 196/2003 (“Privacy Law”), and following the simplified procedures for the notification and acquisition of consent for the use of cookies, published on Gazzetta Ufficiale issue 126 of June 3rd 2014 and foreseen by the general provision by the Privacy Authority dating to May 8th 2014, the person in charge for the processing of personal data provides the users of the website with a detailed regulation on what cookies are and how they are used within this Website.
The users who visit this Website are going to see minimal amounts of information contained in the devices they make use of, either PCs or other peripheral devices, inserted in small text files called “cookies” saved in the directories used by the Web Browser of the User.
There are several types of cookies, some to make the usage of the Website easier, some others to install some services.
Going more in detail, our cookies enable us to remember the inserted preferences, avoid to insert the same information repeatedly, such as the username and the password, more than once during the visit, to analyze the use of services and the contents provided to optimize the session of Web Surfing and the offered services.
Here follow the different types of cookies used by http://www.beforeproject.eu depending on the different purposes of use.
This kind of cookie enables the correct functioning of some sections of the Website. They belong to two categories: persistent cookies and session cookies.
Persistent cookies are not removed once the browser is shut but remain until a pre- fixed date expires.
Session cookies are instead removed any time the Browser is shut.
Therefore these Cookies, always sent from our domain, are needed in order to visualize the website correctly and relating to the offered technical services. Therefore they are always going to be used and sent, unless the users change the settings in their own browser (thus hindering the visualization of the Website).
Cookies of this kind are used to store information on the use of the Website which is going to use them for anonymous statistical studies in order to make the use of the Website easier and to make the contents more interesting and relevant to the needs of the users. This kind of cookies anonymously stores data about the activity of users and how they got to the website. The analytic cookies are sent by the Website itself or the domains of third parties.
These Cookies are used in order to store information anonymously on the use of Websites by the users such as visited pages, how long they stayed on the same page, the origins of the traffic (i.e. from where it comes, age, sex and interests for advertising purposes). These Cookies are sent by domains of Third Parties external to the Website.
COOKIES to integrate products and software functions of third parties
This type of cookies integrates functionalities developed by third parties within the pages of the Website such as the icons and the preferences expressed in social networks in order to share the contents of the website or to use software services of third parties (such as softwares to generate the maps and further softwares providing additional services). These cookies are sent by domains of Third Parties and by partner websites offering their functionalities among the pages of the Website.
These cookies are needed to create profile users in order to send ads according to the preferences shown by the user in the pages of the website.
www.beforeproject.eu does not make use of profiling cookies.
On virtue of the law in force, www.beforeproject.eu is not obliged to ask for consent for technical and analytic cookies, since these last are needed in order to provide our services.
As of any other kind of cookies the consent can be expressed by the User with one or more than one of the following ways:
- By means of specific configurations of the Browser in use or the related informatics programmes used to visit the pages of the Website.
- By changing the settings governing the use of settings by third parties.
These two solutions might both prevent the user from using or visualizing some parts of the Website.
Websites and services by third parties
The Website could also contain some links to other Websites providing their own Privacy Policy which can also differ from that one established by www.beforeproject.eu and for which the current Website is not responsible.
Here follows a list of technical and analytic cookies used by this Website:
Services for statistics
Google Analytics
The service of statistics Google Analytics used by this Website is a system able to trace the behaviour of users while they navigate on the Internet. Cookies released by this service are used to collect information on the use of the Website and also to make detailed statistical enquiries of which the website administrator can make use anonymously. Google, the owner of the service, is going to use these data in order to share them with other services provided by Google itself and to produce ads (proposed through the channels AdSense), which the users are going to like. This website does not profile first party data and does not have any agreement with Google to first party profile.
Anonymous Google Analytics
This Website uses the system of Google Analytics anonymously. Through this way of usage Google is going to register the IP address of the user in a non-extended way, thus ensuring that the user stays anonymous.
This modality is active just within EU Countries.
Google Maps
This Website uses pieces of code coming from the Website https://maps.google.com/ in order to show some maps in its own pages. The service Google Maps installs some technical cookies which are used just for the functioning of the service and other profiling cookies which are able to keep trace of the behaviour of the user. These cookies can be kept installed in the browser of the user for longer than a single session. The cookies released by Google maps are used by this Website to profile first party data and there is no agreement between the managers of this Website and Google to profile first party data. For additional information and the deactivation of cookies related to this service, go to the following websites:
This Website uses pieces of codes coming from the Website https://www.youtube.com/ in order to show some videos contained in its own pages. The service YouTube installs some technical cookies used just for the functioning of the service and some profiling cookies which are able to keep trace of the behaviour of the user. These cookies can be kept installed in the browser of the user for longer than a single session.
This Website does not use cookies released by Youtube to profile first party data and there is no agreement with Youtube to profile first party data.
For additional information about these cookies and how to remove them, go to the following websites:
This Website can use pieces of codes coming from social networks Twitter, Facebook, Pininterest, Instagram, Issuu, Linkedin. These services install some technical cookies which are used just for the functioning of the service and some profiling cookies which are able to keep trace of the behaviour of the user. These cookies can be kept installed in the browser of the user for longer than the single session. This Website does not use these cookies to profile first party data and there is no agreement with the managers of these social networks to profile first party data. For additional information go to the following websites:
https://instagram.com/about/legal/privacy/Instagram privacy policy
Systems for the management of Google Chrome cookies
- Open the Browser Chrome
- Click on the menu present on the Toolbar of the Browser next to the Window to insert URL of a searched Website
- Click on Show Advanced Settings
- In the section “Privacy” click on the button “Contents settings”
- In the section “Cookie” you can change the following settings related to cookies:
- To allow the local saving of data
- To change the local data just up to the closing of the browser
- To block the cookies of Third Parties and the data of the Websites
- To manage the exceptions for some Internet Websites
- To remove one or any cookie
For additional information visit the page created on purpose.
Mozilla Firefox
- Open the Browser Mozilla Firefox.
- Click on the menu you can find on the Toolbar of the Browser next to the Window to insert the URL of a searched Website
- Select Options
- Select the panel Privacy
- Click on Show Advanced Settings
- In the section “Privacy” click on the button “Contents settings”
- In the section “Tracking” you can modify the following settings related to cookies:
- Ask the Websites not to track anything
- Tell the Websites your consent to be tracked
- Do not communicate any preference related to personal data tracking
- From the section “Chronology” you can:
- Through selecting “Use customized settings” choose to accept the cookies of third parties (always, from the most visited web sites or never) and to store them for a limited period of time (until they expire, until the closing of Firefox or to ask any time).
- Remove the single cookies stored
For further information visit the page created on purpose.
Internet Eplorer
- Open the Internet Explorer Browser
- Click on the Tools Menu and choose Internet options
- Click on Privacy tab and in the section “Settings” change the slider according to the wished action for cookies:
- Block all cookies
- Accept all cookies
- Select the websites from which you can get cookies: move the cursor to an intermediate location so as not to block or allow all cookies, then push on Websites, in the box Web Sites URL type an Internet Website and then push on Block or Allow.
For further information visit the page created on purpose.
Safari 6
- Open the Browser Safari
- Click on Safari, select Preferences and push on Privacy
- In the section Block Cookies indicate how Safari has to accept cookies coming from Internet websites
- To see which Websites have stored the cookies click on Details.
For additional information visit the page created on purpose.
Safari IOS (mobile devices)
- Open the Browser Safari IOS
- Touch on Settings and then Safari
- Touch on Block Cookies and choose between several options: “Never”, “from Third Parties and Advertisers” or “Always”.
If you wish to delete all the cookies stored in Safari, touch on Settings, then on Safari and finally on Delete Cookie and data.
For more information visit the page created on purpose
- Open the Browser Opera
- Click on Preferences then on Advanced Settings and finally on Cookie
- Select one of the following options:
- Accept all the cookies
- Accept all the cookies only from the visited Website: the cookies from third parties and that are sent from a domain other than that one you are currently visiting will be rejected.
- Never accept cookies: no cookies are going to be saved.
For more information visit the page created on purpose.
Settings of cookies in the Stock Browser (predefined) for Android
- Model before Lollipop
- Open the browser
- Push the Menu button
- Select Settings
- Select Privacy and Security: here you can remove the tick from the box “Accept Cookies” in order to reject all the Cookies from Lollipop
- Open the browser
- Push the Menu button
- Select Settings
- Select Privacy: here you can remove the tick from the box “Accept Cookies” in order to reject all the Cookies from Chrome
- Open the browser
- Push the Menu button
- Select Settings
- Select Site Settings
- Select Cookies: here you can deactivate the box “Cookie” in order to reject all the Cookies or you can remove the tick from “Allow cookies from third parties”
For more information visit the webpage created on purpose.
- Open the Browser
- Push the button Menu
- Push Settings
- Push Privacy
- Push Cookie: here you can choose “Deactivated” in order to reject all the cookies. Or, if you wish just to reject cookies from Third Parties, choose “Active, excluded from Third parties”.
For additional information visit the page created on purpose.
To eliminate your Cookies from the Internet Browser of one’s own smart phone/tablet, you can read it in the Handbook of the device.
This project has received funding from the European Union's.
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 645595.