- Details
- Written by Before
- Published: 20 November 2017
- Hits: 2507
The 10th of November 2017 the BeFOre Consortium held the III Annual Meeting at the presence of the Work Packages leaders. The meeting was related on "COLLABORATIVE AGREEMENT FOR ACCESS TO GENETIC RESOURCES AND THE FAIR AND EQUITABLE SHARING OF BENEFITS" and has been organised inside the WP4 by the legal task of the BeFOre Project and the European Union Excellence Center "Rights and Science".
During the meeting all the consortium members discussed about the Material Tranfer Agreements (MTAs), and in particular about a Collective Material Transfer Agreement. The legal unit is working on it to help the Consortium complying the rules posed by the International treaties and bythe European Union.
The meeting that has been attended by all the members of the Consortium by WEBEX streaming.
This project has received funding from the European Union's.
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 645595.