12377553 931313576950121 5769092072347427859 o 10411344 931313203616825 7358505537000057688 n

Dr. Claudio Ranocchia and dr. Luciana Baldoni have performed the following activities at the INRA-Marrakech Center: 

- Contact and presentation of the INRA Center
- Discussion on the sampling list and methods of analysis
- Exchanging information on molecular data of varieties selected in the Before Project
- Preparing material for sampling
- Preparing imaging system
- Sampling of fruits, leaves and shoots of selected 70 cultivars at Tessaout Research Station
- Sampling wilds and subspecies maroccana at Argana and Imouzzer Ida Outanant in High Atlas
- Sampling wilds at Meknes and Volubilis
- Preparing fruit samples for oil content, oil composition analysis
- Preparing leaves and shoots for imaging
- Performing imaging of fruits and stones
- Preparing samples for propagation
- Oil content analysis by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Dr. Ranocchia has also contributed to the imaging collection useful for the database development included in the list selected within the Before Project and related analysis

12402037 931313520283460 2627540893731802214 o 12466345 931313430283469 1202529228239600454 o
12509251 931313246950154 8041857080486257811 n 12509496 931313100283502 6505688064188979450 n