- Details
- Written by Before
- Published: 06 October 2016
- Hits: 3051
Before Project has been presented at International Olive Symposium 2016 on Thusrsday, October 11th 2016, in a workshop with the following program:
Chairpersons: Bouchaib Khadari, Raul de la Rosa, Luciana Baldoni
11.15 – 11,35 Presentation of the BeFOre network
— Marina Bufacchi, Daniele Chiappini, Soraya Mousavi
11.35 – 11,55 Aligning SSR data for their merging in a common database
— Roberto Mariotti, Luciana Baldoni
11.55 – 12,15 Development and use of new SNP markers
— Angjelina Belaj, Raul de la Rosa, Roberto Mariotti
12.15 – 12,35 Advanced mathematical algorithms to characterize olive varieties
through morphological parameters
— Konstantinos Blazakis, Panagiotis Kalaitzis
12.35 – 12,55 Fruit metabolite profiling of main varieties
— Raúl de la Rosa, Soraya Mousavi, Angjelina Belaj
12.55 – 13,15 Genetic mapping for QTL detection: towards a consensus genetic
map based on NGS tools
— Bouchaib Khadari, Luciana Baldoni
13,15 – 13,35 Concluding remarks
— Angjelina Belaj, Milad El Riachi, Mariela Torres, Salam Ayoub,
Abdelmajid Moukhli
13,35 – 14,00 General discussion
This project has received funding from the European Union's.
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 645595.