- Details
- Written by Before
- Published: 20 July 2016
- Hits: 3095
Next Monday at CIA conference room will be hold the BeFOre Project Mid Term Review at the presence of a delegate for each Organisation Partner, the WP leaders and the EU officer.
This is the program of the day:
9.30 - 9.40 Introduction
Alina Suhetzky - Research Executive Agency Representative
Marina Bufacchi - Project Coordinator
9.40 - 11.10 Presentation of the Network and the Mid-Term Review Report
Marina Bufacchi - Project Coordinator
Objectives of the research project. The main objectives of the network; Training, Transfer of Knowledge & Networking; Management.
Luciana Baldoni - WP 2 Leader
Scientific highlights of the work so far performed in WP2
Status of scientific deliverables and milestones achievement
Raul de la Rosa - WP 3 leade
Scientific highlights of the work so far performed in WP 3
Status of scientific deliverables and milestones achievement
Roberto Cippitani - WP 4 leader
Scientific highlights of the work so far performed in WP 4
Status of scientific deliverables and milestones achievement
11.10-11.30 Coffee break
11.30- 13.20 Presentation of the Beneficiaries and Partner Organisations
- Presentation of the various Organisations involved in the project. Each responsible will describe the role of his Organisation within the network highlighting the benefits of taking part to Before Project for his institution.
Responsible for the various Organizations expected to attend the meeting:
• Polydefkys Hatzopoulos, AUA - Agricultural University of Athens, Greece
• Panagiotis Kalaitzis, MAICH - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece
• Marina Bufacchi, CNR-ISAFOM – Institute of Mediterranean Agroforestry, Perugia, Italy
• Luciana Baldoni, CNR-IBBR – Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, Perugia, Italy
• Daniela Farinelli DSA3-UNIPG – University of Perugia, Italy
• Roberto Cippitani, DMS-UNIPG-University of Perugia, Italy
• Raul de la Rosa, IFAPA, Cordoba, _Spain
• Milad El Riachy, LARI, Lebanon
• Walter Trivellizzi, CIA-UMBRIA, Italy
• Bouchaib Khadari, SUPAGRO, Montpellier, France
• Abdelmajid Moukly, INRA Marrakech, Morocco
• Hellen Pacheco, UFRO, Chile
Researchers and technical staff that have been seconded in the past months or that will be seconded in the near future expected to attend the meeting:
• Soraya Mousavi, CNR-ISAFOM, Perugia, Italy
• Konstantinos Blazakis MAICH, Chania, Greece
• Roberto Mariotti, CNR-IBBR, Perugia, Italy
• Josè Antonio Martin Rodriguez, Optimum Quality, Cordoba, Spain
• Andrea Palomba, Cia Umbria, Perugia, Italy
• Maria Letizia Casciari, CIA Umbria, Perugia, Italy
• Carla Foiani, CIA Umbria, Perugia, Italy
• Valentina Colcelli, CNR-ISAFOM, Perugia, Italy
• Ferdinando Treggiari, UNIPG, Perugia, Italy
• Claudio Ranocchia ISAFOM, Perugia, Italy
• Cecilia Janette Mayorga Munoz, UFRO, Chile
• Elia Choueri, LARI, Lebanon
• Cibeles Contreras, INTA, Argentina
• Gabriele Rondoni, DSA3 UNIPG, Italy
13.20-14.20 Lunch break
14.20 – 16.20 Meeting between seconded staff members and the Research Executive Agency Representative
This meeting is intended to allow the staff members in a group (or bilaterally) to discuss with the Research Executive Agency Representative possible critical issues about their experiences within the RISE network in a more restricted setting.
16.20 – 17.00 Open discussion
During final discussion the outputs of the Network will be summarized so far and recommendations for the continuation of the Project will be outlined.
17.00- 17.30 Concluding remarks
This project has received funding from the European Union's.
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 645595.