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- Written by Before
- Published: 26 April 2016
- Hits: 3024
During her three months secondmnt to UFRO dr. Colcelli performed varios seminars related to the project in Chile and Colombia.
The first seminar was performed at Temuco, Universidad de La Fontara (UFRO) on March, the 31th 2016 with the title "Condicion mutuamente acordadas y Principio de solidariedad: para una partecipaciòn justa y equitativa en los beneficios que deriven de utilizaciòn de recursos genèticos"
The second one was performed in Colombia at the Universidad del Norte Baranquilla, from 14th to 18th March, 2016 with the object the "Normativa de la Unión Europea sobre la ingeniería genética de las plantas y tutela de la biodiversidad"
The "I CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE DERECHO PRIVADO", March the 15th 2016 at Universidad de La Sabana in Colombia Valentina Colcelli performed a presentation concerning "El conocimiento tradicionale asociados a los recursos genéticos y protección de la biodiversidad
Moreover the entire Project has been presented in Temuco at Facultad de Ingeniería of Universidad de La Frontera - Chile. The presentation was performed by dr. Valentina Colcelli and dr. Hellen Pacheco. Took part to the presentation the Decano Cristian Bornhardt, the Director del departamento de Cs. de la Computación e Informática Carlos Cares.
The last seminas was performed at Universidad Arturo Prat - Vittoria, Cile at Political and Juridical Science Department by dr. Colcelli and dr. Pacheco.
This project has received funding from the European Union's.
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 645595.